Akashic Records

Soul Realignment

Soul Realignment is an intuitive healing modality utilising the Akashic Records to unlock our soul level potential and clear negative karmic patterns held at soul level.

Knowing who you are at soul level is simply empowering, truly amazing! You can learn about your soul’s origins and soul profile – your soul’s blueprint and what that means for you. It can deepen your understanding of who you truly are at soul level and gain an appreciation of yourself, why you behave the way you do – how your soul influences your experiences. For you to live your life in the way it was designed to be lived, you need to have this information. Trying to live a life which goes against your soul’s principles makes it all very difficult.

Each soul also has a special energy centre with its own ‘Divine Gifts’ or unique characteristics and talents. These are very specific to you. Being aligned with your divine gift will enable your life to be lived in harmony. It shows you how by doing what your soul actually wants is so much better for you. The key to improving our lives is to find out what our soul wants and then make new choices to align ourselves with that.

Through Soul Realignment, I can look for issues that your soul has, specifically looking for past life attachments like curses, spells, pacts, contracts and unjustified karma. Everything that comes up is everything that your soul is ready to release.

When something extremely traumatic happens in the course of a lifetime, it can leave an imprint on your soul. This imprint will stay attached to your soul throughout all the following lifetimes and will affect you in each and every one of them, unless it is being released, adjusted or healed in your Akashic Records. There may well be traumas or events from our past lives that are holding us back today.

Soul Realignment can assist in discovering any blocks and restrictions that have been carried through past lifetimes that are still impacting you now. It can heal the deep ‘soul wounds’ that have been created both in your past and current lifetimes. This clearing gives you the opportunity to dramatically shift your current life experiences. Many things that happen in past lives carry forward negative energy that affects our day to day living, why some of your present circumstances don't reflect who you are at soul level. When left unresolved, these wounds begin to add up, weigh us down, drain our energy, and make healing and moving forward in life nearly impossible. This can make us wonder why everything feels like an effort, as well as result in feeling both hopeless and helpless in achieving our goals.

We can then usually see the various problems that have stemmed from making negative choices in the past. Everything we do, or have done, is based on choices that we make. A ‘negative’ choice is not necessarily a bad choice or a wrong choice, but bearing in mind our soul’s blueprint, it is not the right choice for us. What is ‘negative’ for one person could be absolutely positive and right for another, as one person’s Divine Gift is probably different from another.

A Soul Profile Reading will reveal your Soul Profile, Divine Gifts and give you guidance on how to align your divinity with your humanity for greater balance, fulfilment and abundance. As you discover more about who you are as a Soul, you'll be empowered to express your true self and purpose in everyday life. You can learn how to make positive choices that are congruent with your Divine Soul Blueprint and realign you to the flow of life-force energy from Divine Source.

The aim is to help you transform areas of your life and help you become more accountable for changing choices made in past and this life that are not in alignment with who you are at soul level. We have the power to create and with all the Universal life force energy available to us we can live more aligned and conscious in our choices, allowing us to create the life we came here to live. Your life will be and feel brighter, easier and more fluid.